

Soundwave Comic Xpo 2022, The Sound OFF, welcomes press outlets from St. Louis and around the world! We are happy to provide approved members of the media with complimentary Press Passes.

Press Registration is open for journalists regularly making editorial contributions. Editorial Press includes writers, reporters, reviewers, producers, photographers, cameramen, etc. who are attending specifically to write about Soundwave Comic Xpo and/or cover the event for newspapers, magazines, TV, blogs, podcasts, radio, etc.

Please be aware that:

  • Your badge pass allows access as long as space is permitting. 

  • Your badge pass does not allow early access, VIP access, or guaranteed access. 

  • Your badge pass does not allow you to cut lines.

Press badges are limited in nature. Badges will not be issued to children, families, or guests. Soundwave reserves the right to approve or deny any application and there is a limit to the number of press badges provided to each organization.

Are you a member of the press and would like to apply for a press badge to Soundwave Comic Xpo?

Questions? Give us a shout!